The United States announces the continuation of dialogue with Russia on strategic stability - كل دقيقة حاجة جديدة

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الاثنين، 21 يونيو 2021

The United States announces the continuation of dialogue with Russia on strategic stability

 The United States announces the continuation of dialogue with Russia on strategic stability

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki confirmed Monday that the United States will continue its dialogue with Russia on strategic stability issues in the coming weeks

"At the Geneva summit we launched negotiations on issues of strategic stability, and part of the discussions between the two leaders was that more work would be required at the level of foreign ministers or less," she said.

"These discussions will take place in the coming weeks," she added.

And she continued: "Contacts between representatives of the two countries' administrations will take place in the context of continuing talks in Geneva between Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin."

The first meeting between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden was held on June 16 in Geneva, and the negotiations lasted 4.5 hours.

Russian President Putin said he had "agreed with Biden to start consultations on strategic stability at the interdepartmental level."

"Both countries are aware of their own responsibility for strategic stability in the world," he noted.

Source: "Novosti"

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